Monday, January 14, 2008

Puttering Time

New year ~ time to tidy and refresh. I've been puttering around the house, trying to finish up a few projects that have been hanging around for months. Three closets were in disarray. The entry hall closet held the vacuum and mops. The laundry closet held the gift wrapping supplies, and the new utility closet was mostly empty because it needed a shelf.

First, I added the shelf to the new closet, then The Professor moved the vacuum hose rack and the mop clips. The folding table and spare table leaf are in there too. Here it is, all installed. Well, almost. The floor is still raw concrete and the two mis-drilled holes need patching. But it's usable now.
Here is the new shelf, holding the gift wrapping supplies.

The laundry closet without the gift wrap supplies now has room for my stash of spare cleaning supplies. And there is room to grow!

That leaves the entry hall closet. Using a Martha Stewart idea, I hung my dressy tablecloths from suit hangers, labeling each with a tag stating the tablecloth dimensions, table size, and trim. Now it is very easy to choose the best cloth for the event. And, just six steps from closet to dining table makes the spot very convenient for table setting. I still need three more hangers and the project will be finished. I think I will still have room to hang guest coats when needed.

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