I like to keep a record of my great deals, but there are so many that I decided to do a monthly post on my blog just to show my FREE deals. By free, I mean those items that cost me no out-of-pocket money.
I get free items various ways. One way is through the Publix Mystery Coupon on Mondays. The Mystery Coupon item actually costs 1 cent, but that's free in my accounting system. Some items are free after Extra Care Bucks at CVS. Other times, items are on sale at a fantastic price, and, combined with a great coupon, they come out free. Sometimes I get free goods through rebates, when the full purchase price is returned to me. When I send in for rebates, I keep that money separate from my wallet money, and use it only for the little due at CVS or Walgreen's after I pay with Extra Care Bucks or Register Rewards. In reality, when I make purchases this way, the items are free. Sometimes I find coupons in the paper or an online offer for a try-it-free item. And every once in a while, I'm given something free.
May Free Stuff
Publix Mystery Coupon:Colgate toothpaste/toothbrush combo pack
spaghetti sauce
CVS Extracare Bucks:
5 Colgate 360 toothbrushesPublix Mystery Coupon:Colgate toothpaste/toothbrush combo pack
spaghetti sauce
CVS Extracare Bucks:
3 Aquafresh toothpastes
3 Crest toothpastes
2 Addidas deodorants
Sunday newspaper
2 bottles Dawn dish detergent
magnetic photo pocket
folding camp chair ("Quad" chair)
OraPik travel pick
4 bars Olay soap (raincheck)
2 18-oz bottles Spa Radiant body wash (raincheck)
2 Venus razors
Schick Intuition razor
2 bars Johnson's Buddies soap
half gallon Mayfield milk
2 pkgs chocolate chip cookies
shortbread cookies
Snickers bar
Spending My Walgreens Register Rewards:
2 dozen eggs
2 8-oz pkgs grated cheese
2 12-roll pkgs TP
Cottonelle wipes
Coupons for free items:
77 4x6 prints
2 8x10 prints
1 5x7 print
64-oz bottle Softsoap refill
Given to Me: