Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cucumbers Everywhere

We go out of town for four days and come back to an explosion of cucumbers. I picked 17 yesterday and 11 more today. What to do, what to do? I think I see a few batches of pickles coming on.

The cucumber plants don't really belong to me. Our next door neighbor had leftover seeds from last year, and he poked three of them into the bare soil on the side of our garage. (Yes, his seeds but our yard; some neighbors are like that.) I think he waters them because I don't. The plants are huge and happy and producing like crazy. I hope he picks his share too.

1 comment:

Carol Noren Johnson said...

Cucumbers have a lot of vitamins I am told.

I am told to put slices in a small pie tin and the chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make tem flee the area. Might work with rabbits.

You can use it to clean faucets, sinks and stainless steel.

Read all this from an e-mail.