Thursday, November 20, 2008

One More Project Completed

I finished laying the flooring in our attic! This is a project that has been sitting on my "To Do" list for three and a half years, since the spring of 2005, when we laid the floor in the other half of the attic. Last week I suddenly decided to get it done. Even though I had a cold, I went to six different Home Depots to find the flooring I wanted: 3/4" tongue and groove plywood in 2'x4' sheets. When I couldn't find it anywhere, I bought (4) 4'x8' sheets and had them cut it up for me. After loading it in my car by myself, I carted it all home and pieced them back together on the garage floor, so the cuts would match up.

One by one I carried them up the ladder, wiggled them into place, and hammered in a bunch of nails. I sure bent a lot of the nails; so many, in fact, that I had to go buy more. While I was at it I bought a fifth sheet of plywood and had it cut. Finally I had enough flooring to completely cover every bit possible. I did it all myself except at the very end when The Professor trimmed the tongue off the last few sheets to make them fit. He also hammered in the last 4 or 6 nails for me because my arms were so tired.

Just think of all the stuff that can be stored in our attic now!


Anonymous said...

YIKES!! Girl, you make me tired!! Great Job!!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! I can just picture you at work, wiping your nose and sniffling as you pound nails. That said, Congratulations! Having a D-I-Y-challenged hubby does have its drawbacks, but you don't give up.

Adie said...

Yes, wiping my nose on my sweatshirt sleeve because one hand held the nail and the other hand held the hammer. And jabbing my back on the roof nails sticking through to the underside, where my back was only a few inches away. I'm glad it's finished now.