Saturday, March 29, 2008

ECB Fun Today

I keep telling myself I won't post so many shopping trips anymore, and then I find more incredible deals. Here's the deal of the day:

I read over at Money Saving Mom that CVS is running an April ECB deal early. The Softsoap Spa Radiant body wash will be $4.99, earn $4.99 ECB's in April, with a limit of five. It started early, and I picked up two of them today. I also used a raincheck from weeks ago, for the Gillette Mach 3 disposable razors. Regularly $8.99, it was to generate $6 ECB's. The manager had written the raincheck to bring the price down to what it would have been had I been able to earn ECB's on it; in other words, the raincheck said I was to get it for $2.99. Finally, they had them in stock today. I had a $3 coupon on the razors, as well as a $1 coupon and a 75 cent coupon on the Softsoap. I also had a $5/$15 CVS coupon, and a $3/$15 facial care coupon. After the raincheck and all the coupons came off, I owed only 53 cents. I didn't even use any ECB's! Then, my new ECB's printed off. I was expecting to get the $9.98 ECB on the Softsoap, but I also got a $5 ECB on the razors. Crazy! All I can figure is that it will be an April deal too, and it is also running early. I'm happy.

I also asked for a raincheck for the Lypsyl since my store has been out for weeks.


Be Thou Exalted said...

The Mach 3 was a March monthly. So, even though they brought the price down, because it was scanned the computer gave you the ECB as well. The same thing happened to me.

Anonymous said...

WOW. I bet that WAS fun!!